
is there any any? nowhere known some?

So baked, so dehydrated, dust thirsts for cosmic wetness, for the Flood. ‚In Monotheism and especially in Zoroastrianism, dust is usually considered immaculate. But once it makes potage with wetness and mist, it becomes the House of Abomination, Drujaskan or Drujestan, the soft soggy earth and the living mud of inextricable mess,‘ Parsani informs us in Defacing the Ancient Persia. Only years later does Parsani note that the catalysing wetness for dust which was cursed by the Zoroastrians and worshipped by Akht and his cult (Akht-Yatu) was, in fact, none other than petroleum, or napht.

[Reza Negarestani, Cyclonopedia]

Link | 4. Oktober 2008, 11 Uhr 26