
is there any any? nowhere known some?

A piece of chalk to follow the contours of what is not, or is no longer, or is not yet; the handwriting each one of us will use to compose his own list of ‚things that quicken the heart,‘ to offer, or to erase. In that moment poetry will be made by everyone, and there will be emus in the ‚zone.‘

Link | 1. Juni 2010, 0 Uhr 05 | Kommentare (1)

Ein Kommentar

… So stehen die Dinge in meinem Land, meinem eingebildeten Land, meinem Land, das ich ganz und gar erfunden habe, mein Land, das mich so sehr entfremdet, dass ich nicht mehr ich selbst bin, es sei denn, in dieser Entfremdung. Mein Fremdland.

Kommentar by Andreas | 22:01