
is there any any? nowhere known some?

Expanding to fill a 60-minute slot, the programme became more focused on entertainment – and featured races, celebrity challenges and the regular destruction of caravans. […]

„Speak to anybody who used to work at Vauxhall in Luton,“ says Mr Harvey, „and they totally blame Jeremy Clarkson for General Motors closing the Vauxhall plant.“

The reason for their anger was a review of the company’s Mark One Vectra, in which Clarkson remained mute and drummed his fingers on the roof of the car for a full minute.

Top Gear’s chequered past

Richard Hammond, bitte OK sein, zurückkommen und nächstes mal den Stig den Raketenblödsinn machen lassen, ja?

Link | 21. September 2006, 16 Uhr 01