Das eine aufgezeichnete Interview mit William Gaddis von 1986 ist offenbar letztes Jahr wieder an der Paywall vorbeigeschmuggelt worden.
Gaddis spricht über die Recognitions und Carpenter’s Gothic, Benimmfragen für Autoren, Langeweile und Bücher, die Reagan-Regierung und Sowjetrussland, sowie, etwas versteckt, immer wieder über das Strukturprinzip gothic.
These buildings were built, especially in this style, very much to be seen from the outside. And then, when you get inside, and I own a house like this up on Hudson River which is obviously where this book came from: A very odd arrangement of rooms, and windows, because the point is you want symmetry outside. Two windows which look like they are side-by-side, under a, an [?], really are in two different rooms. You get into the room and it’s very odd to see a window way down at one end of the room. But the point is to make it look, from outside, to have this symmetry and so forth. [über carpenter gothic, nicht-identisch]